Easy to Use Construction Safety Software for Companies of all sizes.

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Boxcore - Construction Worker onboarding sofftware.

Why Boxcore?

Boxcore makes it easy to capture, share, and track on-site safety records making your teams safer and more productive.

Progressive Companies of All Sizes use Boxcore to Simplify Safety Management.

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Civil Engineering ContractorBuilding Contractor LogoElectrical Contractor LogoFit Out Contractor LogoResidential Building ContractorMetal Engineering CompanyIrish Rail Logo
Concrete Track SolutionsEncon Construction Company
Get in touch with us today to book a demo!

All Key Safety Data at your Fingertips.

Manage Safety Proactively Rather Than Have Your Teams Endlessly Chasing Data. Our flexible and simple-to-use solution is loved by frontline staff and subcontractors.
Construction Safety
Image of a mobile device capturing a training record.

Training Management
and Onboarding

Capture, share, and view worker training records, in seconds, from any device. Easily see when training becomes expired before it happens.
image of a mobile device and a training  record

Safety Documents

Create, review, approve, store, and access safety documents, such as RAMS and Risk Assessments on our intuitive easy-to-use platform.
Digital Safety

Digital Permits

Create, Review, Approve and track on-site permits in seconds from any device. Eliminate delays caused by inefficient manual permit systems.
Risk Management Software

Single Source of Truth

Eliminate double and triple handling of data. Simplify compliance, make audit preparation easy and ensure your team can access key safety data in a couple of clicks.
Equipment management Software
Upload, view, share, and track equipment inspection records. Easily see in seconds if an asset or equipment has its inspections up to date.
Risk Management Software
SOC2 Certified.
We ensure the security of your data and are proud to confirm we are a SOC2 Certified company ensuring we meet the highest standards in global data security.

Find Out Why Our Users Love Our Software.